Monday, February 17, 2020

Day 373

Recently, I wrote about my love for the movie Serendipity, but I am also quite a fan of You've Got Mail. In some of their early correspondence, NY152 tells Shopgirl that the fall makes him want to buy school supplies, and he would "send her a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils" if he knew her name and address. I'm with NY152 on this one, as I love buying school and office supplies. A robust stash of pencils, pens, highlighters, sharpies, sticky notes, sticky flags, legal pads, manila folders, paper clips, correction fluid, erasers, and more provides me with the sense--albeit a false sense at times--that I have my life together and can conquer whatever I might face that day.

Although I like my laptop, I have not fully embraced taking all of my notes on a computer. Just last week, I managed to use half of the ink in a single pen in under 24 hours because I was really in the note-taking and studying zones. Some days are like that. I first started using purple pens in 8th grade and was a devoted user of the Papermate Flair felt tip pen for years. I still have a few that I use from time to time, but I have been a fan of the Pilot Precise RT pens with purple ink since I started my degree. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find refills for them, and the result is that I have a Ziploc bag that is a graveyard for purple pens and pink highlighters. 

To help me behave more sustainably and more pretentiously all at once, Richard bought me a fountain pen and a jar of purple ink for Valentine's Day. I am surprised by how much I am enjoying it so far, though I guess I should have anticipated that I would be excited about a new variety of office supplies. Richard is a little pretentious and a lot old school, so fountain pens are among the things that excite him, too. He has recently taken to ordering new inks based on their colors; Aurora Borealis was one recent purchase, though Oxblood should be arriving in our mailbox any day now. Meanwhile, I am moving through my bottle of Imperial Purple and learned to refill the nib today! I can't wait to explore this new frontier of writing utensil.

Photo from Pixabay
Something that made today great: Strategic Planning class was awesome!
Time I woke up: 6:50 am

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